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What Makes Flutter Better Than React Native

You’ve probably heard about Flutter and React Native, two popular frameworks for building mobile apps. If you’re trying to decide between them for your next project and you are thinking about What Makes Flutter Better Than React Native, Flutter might have a slight edge. Flutter uses the Dart programming language and a unique rendering engine that produces native apps for both iOS and Android from a single codebase. The end result is beautiful, high-performance apps that feel natural on each platform. React Native, on the other hand, uses JavaScript to render native components, so the experience can feel a bit disjointed.

Another reason for What Makes Flutter Better Than React Native Flutter also has a rich set of prebuilt widgets and rendering capabilities that make it easy to build gorgeous user interfaces. Animations, scrolling, and gestures are built right in. So if you want to quickly build an app with an intuitive UI and a native feel, Flutter is a great choice. Of course, both frameworks have their pros and cons, but Flutter’s modern architecture and design sensibility give it a little something extra.

Hot Reload

if you are searching for What Makes Flutter Better Than React Native then One of the best features of Flutter is hot reload. This means you can instantly see the results of changes you make to your app’s source code.

When you’re building a mobile app, you have to compile the code, deploy it to your device or emulator, and then launch the app to see your changes. This lengthy process kills productivity and makes development tedious.

With Flutter’s hot reload, when you save changes to your code, your app is instantly rebuilt and the changes are injected into your running app. There’s no need to redeploy or relaunch – you can instantly see the results of your edits.

This super fast feedback loop enables an interactive development experience. You can play around with UI elements, see how they look, make changes, and repeat – all without having to endlessly recompile and redeploy.

Hot reload works for adding widgets, changing styles, altering logic – pretty much any change you make to your Flutter app. The best part is state is preserved across hot reloads. So if you’re tweaking the logic in a method, or restyling a widget, the state of your app stays intact.

Flutter’s hot reload gives you a huge speed advantage over React Native. With React Native, you have to recompile your JS bundle and reload the app to see changes. This takes several seconds and resets your app’s state.

In Flutter, a hot reload typically takes under a second. This means you can build UIs, add features, and fix bugs much faster. Over the course of developing an entire app, the time savings from hot reload really add up.

So if fast development and a seamless editing experience are important to you, Flutter’s hot reload feature gives it a big productivity edge over React Native. That’s why when someone asked What Makes Flutter Better Than React Native then I tell about Flutter’s hot reload.

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Native Performance

Another main reason for What Makes Flutter Better Than React Native is Flutter uses native UI components, so apps built with Flutter look and feel like native Android and iOS apps. You get all the benefits of a native app without the headache of building twice.

Under the hood, Flutter renders everything using native widgets. So when you build a button in Flutter, on Android it uses a native Android button, and on iOS it uses a native iOS button. This means your app will automatically look and feel familiar to users on each platform.

What’s more, Flutter’s hot reload allows you to instantly see the effect of your changes. Make a tweak to your code, save, and your app is refreshed in under a second. This rapid development cycle speeds up building beautiful user interfaces and pixel-perfect designs.

Performance is another area where Flutter shines. Since Flutter uses the native widgets and rendering layers on each platform, it’s able to achieve a native look and feel without the performance hit of a “hybrid” framework. Flutter’s reactive framework, built-in vector graphics support, and sub-second hot reload keep your app feeling smooth and responsive.

Flutter also gives you full access to native features on each platform using platform-specific APIs. Need to access the camera or use GPS on Android? The accelerometer or push notifications on iOS? You can call the native APIs directly from your Flutter app. Flutter provides bindings to many of the most popular native APIs, and you can create your own bindings to any native API.

So if you want to build a high-performance, native-looking app for both Android and iOS, Flutter is tough to beat. With Flutter, you get native performance, native UI, and native platform APIs in a single codebase. What more could you ask for What Makes Flutter Better Than React Native?

Beautiful UI

The main reason for What Makes Flutter Better Than React Native is Flutter allows you to create stunning user interfaces (UIs) that look natural on both Android and iOS. Unlike React Native which renders using native components, Flutter uses its own high-performance rendering engine to draw UI as vectors and text. This allows Flutter to avoid the performance limitations of other cross-platform frameworks.

Gorgeous Material Design

Another way that’s show What Makes Flutter Better Than React Native is Flutter comes with a rich set of Material Design and Cupertino (iOS-style) widgets that have beautiful animations and styling built-in. You get all the sliders, buttons, tabs, text fields, and more to build a polished UI. The widgets incorporate Material principles for how interface elements move, interact and change shape.

Customizable and Flexible

While the built-in widgets cover most needs, you can also build your own custom widgets to get the exact look you want. Flutter’s hot reload allows you to instantly view changes you make to the code. You’ll spend less time debugging and more time crafting a spectacular UI.

Smooth Natural Scrolling

The scrolling performance in Flutter is buttery smooth. Infinite scrolling lists, parallax effects and pull to refresh all run at a silky 60 frames per second. Flutter accomplishes this through its own rendering engine that can animate changes in the UI with ease.

Adaptive Layouts

What Makes Flutter Better Than React Native the another reason is Flutter lets you design adaptive layouts that respond well to different screen sizes. You can create columns that resize on different breakpoints, use the Layout Builder widget to get screen measurements and adjust your UI accordingly. Your app will look natural on phones, tablets, desktop and any other platform Flutter supports.

With a stunning UI, customizable widgets and fluid animations, Flutter gives you the tools to craft a gorgeous interface users will love. Your app will delight customers and stand out from the crowd with a design that matches the latest interface trends. Flutter is the best choice if design is your top priority for building a cross-platform mobile app.

Developing for iOS and Android at the Same Time

Flutter allows you to develop mobile apps for both iOS and Android simultaneously. This means you can build and design an app once, and have it work on both platforms without any major changes needed.

Developing for iOS and Android at the Same Time

One Codebase

With Flutter, you have a single codebase that compiles to native apps on both iOS and Android. You don’t have to maintain two separate codebases, and you can add features once to have them on both platforms right away. This makes the development process much more efficient.

When building with React Native, you have to use platform-specific components for some UI elements and gestures. With Flutter, you have a rich set of pre-built, customizable widgets that allow you to build native interfaces on both iOS and Android.

Flutter also uses the Skia graphics library, which renders everything using native widgets. This means your Flutter app will look and feel like a native iOS or Android app. React Native uses a JavaScript bridge to communicate with the native platforms, which can result in subtle but noticeable differences in UI, gestures, and performance.

Faster Development

What Makes Flutter Better Than React Native Because Flutter compiles to native code, you get faster development cycles and instant reload. When you make a change to your Flutter app, you see the updates instantly without restarting the app or recompiling it. This allows for a much faster and more interactive development experience.

With Flutter, you can also leverage features like Stateful Hot Reload to instantly see changes you make to the state and logic of your app, not just the UI. This speeds up debugging and development significantly.

Flutter’s reactive framework and rich set of pre-built widgets allow you to build UIs faster. You get things like gesture support, scroll views, buttons, switches, and more right out of the box. This boosts your productivity and lets you build beautiful UIs in a fraction of the time.

Overall, Flutter’s robust feature set, reactive framework, and hot reload functionality make developing cross-platform mobile apps an absolute pleasure. If building for both iOS and Android is a priority for you, Flutter is an excellent choice.

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Dart: An Easy Language to Learn

Dart is a modern programming language developed by Google. It is easy to learn, yet robust enough to build complex mobile apps. This makes Flutter an attractive choice for developers of all skill levels.

One reason Dart is simple to pick up is its familiar syntax. If you know languages like JavaScript, Java or C#, the Dart syntax will look very familiar. Things like variables, functions, classes, and imports are defined similarly. This means you can start building Flutter apps quickly without a steep learning curve.

Dart is also a statically typed language, meaning you declare the data type of variables when you define them. This catches bugs early and leads to fewer issues in production. However, Dart uses type inference, so you often don’t have to explicitly define types if they can be inferred. This keeps the syntax concise while still providing the benefits of static typing.

Dart supports both object-oriented and functional programming styles. You can create classes and instantiate objects, as well as leverage features like lambda expressions, higher-order functions, and closures. This flexibility allows you to choose an architecture well-suited for your app.

One of the best parts of Dart is its robust standard library. It includes commonly used collections, async/await syntax for asynchronous programming, a strong testing framework, and more. The standard library helps you write high quality, maintainable code without relying on external dependencies.

Overall, Dart is a language that balances power and simplicity. It has a gentle learning curve, yet includes advanced features you need for serious app development. This combination makes Dart a great choice for learning and building with Flutter. With a little time investment, you’ll be writing Flutter apps with confidence using the Dart programming language.

Open Source and Backed by Google

Flutter is open source and backed by Google, so you’ll get long term support and updates.

Open Source and Backed by Google

Open Source Community

As an open source framework, Flutter has a huge community of developers worldwide who contribute to improving it. This means quicker fixes for bugs, more features added, and faster adoption of new technologies. The open source nature also means Flutter is transparent – you can see exactly how it works under the hood.

Long Term Support

Flutter is backed by Google, so you can expect long term support and updates. Google has invested heavily in Flutter and relies on it for many of their own apps, so they have a strong incentive to keep improving and supporting it. You won’t have to worry about Flutter being abandoned any time soon.

Frequent Updates

The Flutter team releases updates on a regular basis, usually every month or two. These include bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features. It’s easy to upgrade your Flutter version and take advantage of the latest changes. The fast update cycle means the framework is constantly getting better and stronger.

Large Ecosystem

Because Flutter has been out for a few years now and has strong Google support, it has a robust ecosystem of plugins, tools, and libraries. There are Flutter packages available for just about any use case. And the ecosystem is growing rapidly. This makes it easy to find solutions to just about any challenge. You can build apps faster by relying on pre-existing packages.

Dart Language

Flutter uses the Dart programming language, also created by Google. Dart is easy to learn, object-oriented, and AOT (Ahead of Time) compiled for high performance. Dart can also compile to JavaScript, so you’re able to reuse code across web, mobile and desktop apps. With strong static typing, Dart prevents many bugs and leads to stable, maintainable code.

In summary, Flutter’s open source nature, backing by Google, and frequent updates provide a lot of benefits for developers. You get an innovative, robust framework with a strong ecosystem, long term support, and a productive programming language – all for free! Compared to the paid, closed source option of React Native, Flutter clearly comes out ahead.

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Rich Set of Widgets

Flutter comes with a rich set of pre-built widgets that allow you to build beautiful UIs faster. Some of the major benefits of Flutter’s widgets are:

Material Design

Flutter provides a lot of widgets that follow Google’s Material Design guidelines. This allows you to easily build apps that have a familiar and consistent feel. Some of the Material widgets include:

  • AppBar – For adding an app bar
  • Button – Raised button, flat button, outline button, icon button
  • Card – For displaying information in a card-based layout
  • BottomNavigationBar – For adding a bottom navbar


While Flutter offers a lot of pre-built widgets, it also allows you to easily customize them to your needs. You can customize properties like color, padding, font, shape, and more. This means you have full control over the look and feel of your UI without being limited to the default styles.


Flutter’s widgets are also adaptive by default. This means they will automatically resize and reflow based on the device screen size. You don’t have to write separate layouts for different screen sizes. Flutter takes care of that for you under the hood.


Flutter’s widgets are not just useful – they are also fast. Everything in Flutter is compiled to native widgets so your UI will render at native speeds. This results in a smooth and jank-free UI experience for your users.

Extensive catalog

There are widgets for pretty much any UI element you would need to build a mobile app. Some of the available widgets include:

  • Text fields (for input)
  • Buttons
  • Images
  • Navigation
  • Pickers
  • Progress indicators
  • Sliders
  • Grid views
  • And many more!

Flutter’s rich set of high-quality, pre-built widgets allows you to craft beautiful UIs in a fast, customizable and adaptive manner. This is what makes Flutter’s UI capabilities stand out from the competition.

Accessibility Features Built-In

Flutter was built with accessibility in mind from the start. Some of the key features that make Flutter apps accessible include:

  • Native accessibility APIs: Flutter apps can integrate with the native accessibility APIs on Android and iOS, enabling features like screen reader support, accessibility focus, and more.
  • Semantic text: Flutter has strong support for semantic text, including text widgets that specify a semantic label. This helps screen readers announce text properly.
  • Focus management: Flutter has a focus manager that handles moving accessibility focus between focusable widgets. This ensures keyboard and screen reader users can navigate Flutter apps.
  • Accessibility widgets: Flutter includes widgets like Semantics to add semantic information, Accessibility to enable accessibility features, and Gesture Detector to handle gestures like double taps.
  • Testing: Flutter includes accessibility testing as part of its widget test framework. This helps developers build accessibility into their apps from the start and catch any issues early on.
  • Documentation: Flutter has detailed documentation on building accessible apps. This includes guidance on how to properly structure apps for screen readers, handle gestures, add image descriptions, and more.

Flutter’s strong support for accessibility means that developers can build apps that work well for all users. And because Flutter compiles to native apps, the accessibility features feel completely natural on each platform. Users get the full native experience with voiceover on iOS and TalkBack on Android.

Overall, if accessibility is a priority for your app, Flutter is an excellent choice. The framework was designed to create inclusive experiences, and that shows through in the robust set of accessibility features and tools it offers. Building an accessible app is straightforward with Flutter, allowing you to create a great experience for all your users.

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FAQ: Why Choose Flutter Over React Native?

Why should you choose Flutter over React Native for your next mobile app project? Here are some of the top reasons Flutter comes out on top:

One of the biggest advantages of Flutter is that it uses the same codebase for both iOS and Android apps. With React Native, you have to use Objective-C or Swift for iOS and Java or Kotlin for Android. Flutter’s single codebase means faster development cycles and easier updates since you only have to make changes in one place.

Flutter also has a more expansive set of built-in widgets than React Native. Things like sliders, switches, buttons and text inputs are ready to use in Flutter without needing any native dependencies. The widgets have a simple yet beautiful UI and follow Material Design standards.

Performance is another area where Flutter dominates. Flutter’s hot reload allows you to make changes to your code and see the updates instantly without rebuilding the app. Flutter also uses a compiled programming model so your apps have native performance. Tests show Flutter apps can achieve up to 120 frames per second.

One frequent complaint about React Native is dependency conflicts that arise from bridging JavaScript and native platforms. Flutter avoids this problem altogether since it compiles directly to native code. Updates to Flutter are also bundled together, so you get access to the latest features and fixes without worrying about version compatibility issues.

If you want maximum flexibility and control over the look and feel of your app, Flutter is the way to go. Flutter gives you complete control over the UI so you can customize designs exactly as you like. And with a rich set of open source packages, there’s little you can’t build with Flutter.

While React Native is a solid choice for mobile development, Flutter offers some key advantages that make it worth considering for your next project. Faster development, high performance, a beautiful UI, and total customizability what more could you want from a framework? For these reasons, Flutter comes out on top over React Native for many developers.


You’ve seen how Flutter leaves React Native in the dust when it comes to building native mobile apps. With its modern framework, rich set of widgets, and hot reload, Flutter helps you create beautiful UIs faster. You get the best of both worlds: the productivity of building a mobile app with a framework and the performance of a natively compiled app.

Flutter is the future of mobile development. Its architecture, tooling, and ecosystem are improving at lightning speed. If you want to build high-quality iOS and Android apps and stay on the cutting edge of technology, Flutter is the obvious choice. What are you waiting for? Start building your next app with Flutter today. You’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

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